This week a former student of mine shared her #metoo story on Facebook and Yelp. Thank you Erica Yamane for your bravery in calling out those people and sharing what happened to you in your workplace.
This incident happened to her in a popular industry in our area, wine. I actually had the amazing privilege (read “agonizing horror”) of serving on a jury for a workplace sexual harrassment case for two months a few years ago.
Sexual harrassment happens in the workplace, schools, streets, shopping centers everywhere, and it never should, so I have come up with a few steps to finally stop sexual harrassment.
1. If you are married or have a significant other, only talk about sex with that person.
2. If you are “flirting” with someone and they don’t reciprocate, stop flirting with them.
3. If you say something to someone and they ask you to stop, then stop.
4. If you touch someone and they ask you not to, then stop.
5. If you talk to or touch someone and they look uncomfortable or disgusted with you, then stop.
6. If it’s not something you would talk about with your grandma, then don’t talk about it.
While not comprehensive, I hope this list gives a little help in putting a stop to sexual harrassment.
Everything I’ve read on how to stop sexual harrassment is speaking to the victim. In reality the only way to end sexual harrassment, is for the perpetrators to stop what they’re doing.
One last step…
7. If you need to stop and ask yourself, “can this be seen as sexual harrassment?” keep it to yourself.
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