Valentine’s Fallacy

This morning a girl walked into my class lugging a teddy bear almost as big as her, three balloons with various messages of love, a giant box of chocolates and what looked like two dozen roses. All expressions of love from her boyfriend for Valentine’s day.

Honestly though, if my husband had gotten me all that crap to lug around all day, I’d be livid. Showing love isn’t about going overboard buying stuff once a year, it’s about all the little things every day.

I love this cartoon. It reminds us that love is a choice, not a feeling. I choose to love my husband, everyday. Even when he gets on the only nerve I have left after teaching hormonal teens all day and helping our own kids navigate the wonderful world of Junior high school.

He chooses to love me every day. Even when I lose it on him and unleash all my pent up anxiety in his general direction.

Love isn’t always pretty heart-shaped balloons with catchy phrases or beautifully, fragrant roses.

Sometimes it’s ugly, roll up your sleeves, hard work.

Sometimes it’s holding each other when one of you, in my case usually me, winds up crying until your eyes are puffy and you have snot and tears running down your face and you might not even know why.

Sometimes it’s staying home on a Friday night, making tater tots and watching your favorite show, sport or movie.

Sometimes it’s helping the other through a tough time

Sometimes it’s watching the other person, being their cheerleader as they work towards reaching a goal.

Love isn’t being shot with an arrow by Cupid or falling head over heels.

Love grows with each day and each choice to be there for the other person until all you know is love for them.