A Glimpse Inside My Mind

That’s not the greatest picture ever made, but I wanted to depict how my mind feels sometimes. John Green wrote a book titled Turtles All the Way Down. In it, he talks about thought spirals and I wrote a previous post about that.

Sometimes I have thought spirals, where I follow a thought with question or thought about it until I’m caught in the spiral of it spinning out of control until the next one takes hold. Then the next and the next. Forever. Until I’m exhausted and I try to sleep, but the thoughts keep me awake.

That’s why the picture has all the different spirals coming out of the head. It depicts all the spirals that bombard my mind at any given time. Of course some days are better than others. Some days there may only be one or two spirals, other times there are too many spirals to count. Other days there are so many spirals fighting for attention that I end up curled in a ball in bed doing breathing exercises or having a panic attack in public, or crawling under my desk in my classroom or, snapping at my family because I can’t take one more thing being added to the spirals in my mind.

So for fun, I though that instead of this organized, thought out writing you’re used to reading in this blog, I’d finish it off by just writing what comes into my mind.

Today’s a slow day, my mind is pretty calm, you might be bored. Bored readers won’t come back to the blog. People won’t read if I don’t write regularly. I haven’t been writing regularly. So many reasons why. Been busy with both kids, one has so much theater the other has so much concussion stuff.

I hope that she heals completely from the concussion. I have a student that had a concussion three years ago and still has some lingering effects. She’s back to her sport, but she still struggles with school. That’d be hard for my kid. She’s always done well in school and enjoys the challenge.

The first time a teacher told me she was in the challenge group I was horrified. To me that meant she was a challenge to have in class. She was in Kindergarten. Her teacher quickly told me that it was a reading group to challenge her.

I wish more kids enjoyed being challenged, most seem to want the best grade for then least amount of work. I graded a project today for my class. I’m going to have to deal with a lot of upset kids and parents I’m sure. At the beginning of the instructions I put that if any of the assignment was copied they would get a zero on the 140 point assignment. Probably a quarter of the students got a zero and that’s just the ones I caught. There were others that I could tell it wasn’t their work but I couldn’t find where they copied from. Some grade dropped dramatically. I hope if I get really irate parents that I have admin support.

I wonder what it’s like to be married to me? Is it hard? Do I irritate him by always worrying about everything and over planning? Does he get upset when I don’t feel like cooking dinner? What if he hates what I’m making tonight? I’ve never made Mac and cheese bites before. They might be disgusting, then what?

What color was the sky the day we got married. It rained that day so it was probably gray-blue. We’ve almost been married for 18 years. That’s a long time! Wow! Maybe it’s not too hard to be married to me. We should be able to make for 18 more. We need to start saving money so we can celebrate our 20th anniversary…

I think you get the idea. I need take my thoughts with me and go make dinner.