Who is guilty of negative self-talk? You know what I mean, phrases we say to ourselves that we would never say to another human being and definitely never to our favorite pet.
Phrases like:
“You’re such an idiot, I can’t believe you did or said that!”
“You’re such a fatty, you need to stop eating! No more dessert for you!”
“You’re so worthless, nobody could ever love you!”
“You are such a waste of space.”
I’m here waving my hands in the air. I’m guilty of this type of negative self-talk and so much more. Things I hope would never be said about another person, I say to and about myself. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
Too many of us are too critical no ourselves and our lives show it. We are in terrible mental and physical health because we think we aren’t worth taking care of.
We are! We are worth it! We need to give ourselves.

I hear people say “I hate my body. I need to lose weight. I should diet, maybe I’ll start exercising.”
Do you hear what the motivation is? Hate. Hatred of their body. Does hate ever sustain anything. It can for awhile, but not forever.
We need to take care of ourselves because we love ourselves, not because we hate ourselves.
On July 5th last year, I decided I was worth it. I needed to love myself.
I began to eat healthier, not because I hated myself or my body, but because I love myself and want to be around for awhile. I know we can’t prevent all diseases, but we can make food choices that are better for us.
I also began to exercise. Again, not because I hate my body and wanted to punish it and the fat it was storing, but because I want my body to last for awhile longer. If I make it to a ripe old age, I want to be able to move. I want to keep my muscles and bones strong enough to support my body, I don’t want to be impeded by my choices. I want to be able to run after my hypothetical grandkids.
There have been positive consequences to choosing to love myself. My anxiety and depression are easier to manage without medication, I have lost weight and I’m a lot stronger both physically and mentally.
Please, love yourself and take care of you. There are people who want you in their life for years to come.
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